Using Assessment Results

 Home Up 10 Best Practices Levels of Assessment Why Assess? Using Assessment Results

Assessment results are of most use when they are shared among faculty members and used as a tool for facilitating discussion about improving a curriculum or degree program.  Assessment information is of little value unless it is shared with appropriate audiences and used in meaningful ways (Palomba & Banta 2001).  In order to facilitate optimal use of SOA results in CHFA, beginning in October, 2007, each CHFA Department will have an annual Fall SOA meeting during which all departmental faculty members will reflect on assessment results and determine their best use.  SOA may inspire changes in CHFA programs such as:


·        Revisions in content of program courses

·        Addition / deletion of courses or changes in course sequences

·        New or revised degree requirements

·        Changed emphases for new or vacant faculty positions

·        Enhancements in advising processes


Departments may use assessment results also to:

·        Facilitate curricular discussions at faculty meetings, curriculum committee meetings, and faculty retreats

·        Guide changes in degree programs and the development of new degree program options

·        Justify past curricular changes and show program improvement resulting from those changes

·        Further refine assessment methods or implement new assessment methods

·        Develop academic services for students

·        Offer new career exploration and career services for students

·        Enhance program recruiting literature and websites to provide students with academic and program information

·        Share assessment information with alumni and program advisory boards



From:  Assessing Student Competence in Accredited Disciplines:  Pioneering Approaches to Assessment in Higher Education.  Eds. Catherine A. Palomba and Trudy W. Banta (Sterling, VA:  Stylus, 2001);