CHFA SOA Process


Home Alignment Matrix Planning Grid Grad Calendar SOA Template Assessment Policy UNI Prog Review



The College of Humanities and Fine Arts began an upgrade of its assessment processes during the 2005-06 academic year.  Key documents associated with that upgrade are found here.  A key change has been to move from departmental plans to departmental processes.  Student Outcomes Assessment in CHFA is dynamic and ongoing.  Although departments may maintain SOA Plans as narrative documents as they have done in the past, departments are welcome to record their SOA work using the SOA Planning Grid (or a grid of their own creation).  The SOA Report Template should be used for a yearly summary of activities for the Dean:


University Academic Program Review Guidelines:   The 2007-08 university guidelines include a report on assessment.


University Assessment Policy:  This document will be under review by the UNI Office of Academic Assessment in the near future. 


CHFA SOA Calendar 2008-2010:  The calendar lists by semester SOA activities and deadlines. The calendar is created through a joint consultative process shared by the Dean, Department heads, and departmental representatives to the CHFA SOA Committee. 


CHFA SOA Report Template  (PDF), CHFA SOA Report Template (Microsoft Word):   This template is used by department heads to report to the CHFA Dean each year on the status of student outcomes assessment in each CHFA department.


Curriculum Alignment Matrix:   After a department picks goals and outcomes for its programs, faculty in the department can use this matrix to determine which courses in the department offer students an opportunity to work on these goals and outcomes and at what level of proficiency students are prepared by the course to work. 


SOA Planning Grid:  This grid enables a department to implement an assessment plan in a three-year cycle.   The plan is operationalized on the grid rather than described primarily as a narrative.  Planning grids have replaced narrative reports in many universities. 



Site maintained by Professor Martha Reineke, Chair, CHFA SOA Committee.
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